The Polyend Play groovebox caters to the same crowd as the previously released Polyend Tracker but features a multi-track x0x-style interface and offers vast sound-shaping potential, courtesy of an army of 160 RGB backlit controls, fifteen rotary controls and eleven push buttons combined with a clear colour display.
The Features of the Polyend Play
The Play can be described as an uber-intuitive, x0x-style sequencer that stacks eight physical tracks. From left to right, you get sixteen columns for your grooves, with the four right-most columns for things like mute and solo. In addition, you've got eight audio tracks and eight polyphonic MIDI tracks at your disposal, as well as all of the tools needed to swiftly move steps, tracks, patterns and other things around.
The Sounds of the Polyend Play
While you're free to load in your own samples, you can also get wildly creative with the more than 3,000 built-in sounds of the Polyend Play. Effects like reverb, delay and a limiter are of course also part of the deal, while tracks can have their own length and individual BPM which means complex poly-rhythmic creations definitely fall within the scope of this instinctive groovebox. Polyend even include a set of adapters for the audio outputs and MIDI ports, so hooking up outboard gear shouldn't be a problem. Long story short: the Polyend Play offers masses of fun, especially if similar gear is precisely your cup of tea.